121st NCPF Annual General Meeting 

The 121st NCPF Annual General Meeting took place on Sunday 24th March at Clara Vale Village Hall. A big thank you to all clubs who sent delegates.  As well as being an opportunity to socialise with friends old and new, the meeting heard reports covering every aspect of the NCPF’s work, a comprehensive report of the current finances, and gave an opportunity for delegates to discuss or seek further information.

At the end of the meeting, outgoing NCPF President, Alan Wilson ARPS, AFIAP had one last very enjoyable duty to perform.  It was to present Dave Coates ARPS, EFIAP/p, MPAGB, APSA, HonPAGB, Hon FIAP of Northallerton Camera Club with the award of Honorary Life Vice-President of the NCPF.

Congratulations Dave on a truly outstanding achievement.

This award was first created in 2003 and is the highest honour that the NCPF can bestow and awards must meet very strict and demanding conditions.

There must never be more than three Honorary Life Vice-Presidents in existence at any one time.  The award recognises exceptional service, which must include 40 years club membership with a minimum of 20 years’ service to the Federation, including at least three Executive Officer Posts (excluding Area Reps and Elected Members) or exceptionally long service in a lesser number of posts.  As an award recipient, Dave becomes an ex-officio member of the Executive and receives a badge of office.  The Honour which cannot be applied for is granted by an AGM upon the recommendation of the Executive and lasts for life.

After the award to Dave, outgoing President Alan Wilson then formally handed over the chains of office to incoming President Gerald Chamberlin DPAGB, EFIAP of Dalston PS.

Gerald will be NCPF President for the next two years until the AGM in 2026. Congratulations Gerald and best wishes for your Presidency.

Gerald’s first duty as President was to present outgoing President Alan Wilson with a Past President badge of honour in recognition of his service as NCPF President.

Thank you Alan for all of your work.

Gerald drew the meeting to a close and wished everyone a safe journey home.